

Illustration : Lettre concernant la restriction de mouvement des demandeurs d’asile

Almost 3 weeks have passed since an exit ban was imposed on camp residents who do not have a valid asylum applicant card (new arrivals and applicants with 2 rejections) in Samos. Since then, approximately half of the camp population is not allowed to leave the camp without prior consent being given for reasons like hospital and lawyer appointments.
ASF France is extremely concerned that these restrictions impede access to meaningful legal support for asylum seekers on Samos, and that their right to confidentiality and freedom of movement is being unduly compromised.
We have joined 11 fellow organizations from Samos in writing to both the Ministry of Migration & Asylum and EU officials in calling for:
- an immediate lift of the restrictions on entry and exit for people without a valid asylum applicant card
- a statement from the Ministry, making publicly available the decision on which the order to detain people without a valid asylum applicant card inside the camp was made.
Read the full letter below.

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