
Last activity of the RECAJUD project

Illustration : Dernière activité du projet RECAJUD

On Monday 28 March, the RECAJUD project, led by ASF France and its partners, the Cameroon Network of Human Rights Organisations (RECODH) and ASF Cameroon, and supported by the Crisis and Support Centre of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, with the support of the French Embassy in Cameroon, held its last activity, the closing ceremony and capitalisation of the project's achievements. 
This project has helped to strengthen the capacities of actors in the Cameroonian penal chain, through the organisation of training on the theme of access to justice for people in detention. The project also provided advice and direct legal assistance to detainees. Over the course of the project, nearly 3,000 detainees received free legal advice, and 102 vulnerable detainees were able to access full legal assistance. 
Our teams were also able to organise communication and advocacy sessions with the country's decision-making bodies, in particular through the organisation of a series of four round tables, bringing together actors in the criminal justice system and state authorities, and a national symposium on access to justice and the implementation of alternative sentences in Cameroon. Awareness-raising on a larger scale through radio broadcasts and educational talks also made it possible to inform the population about these issues.
Congratulations to all the partners involved, and to all the actors in this project, for the organisation and success of this project to defend the rights of prisoners.

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