
End of IMPACT project

Illustration : Clôture du projet IMPACT

🎉After a 26-month adventure in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire, we are pleased to announce the successful closure of the IMPACT project (Implication des Médias Numériques dans la Prévention Active des Conflits et des Tensions), which took place yesterday, 23 April 2024, in Conakry.
🤝 Thanks to the indispensable support of the European Union (EU) and AFD - Agence Française de Développement, we were able to make a significant contribution to the fight against disinformation, hate speech and conflict prevention in West Africa.
🙏 A huge thank you to our partners Association des Blogueurs de Guinée (ABLOGUI), REPPRELCI Côte d'Ivoire, Danaï and AfricTivistes for their unfailing commitment as well as to the actors and stakeholders who made this possible!
👉 Read all about our closing ceremony in Guinea in an article published on Conakry Live:

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