
ASF France at the last CJ-AV meeting on the protection of the legal profession

Illustration : ASF France à la dernière réunion du CJ-AV sur la protection de la profession d'avocat

The Committee of Experts on the Protection of Lawyers (CJ-AV) has held its latest meeting to discuss the future convention on the protection of the legal profession. The aim of this new binding instrument is to strengthen the protection afforded to lawyers so that they can freely exercise their profession without prejudice or constraint. The draft convention will be submitted to the European Committee on Legal Cooperation (CDCJ) for examination and approval at its plenary session, scheduled for 19-21 November 2024.

Avocats Sans Frontières France, represented by Ivan Paneff, has been participating in this working group for two and a half years to promote the protection of lawyers working outside their home bars.

Photo credit: Committee of Experts for the Protection of Lawyers

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