Our Missions


SAFE - Strengthening the national actor's capacities advocating for ending severe violations of human rights


Torture, ill-treatement, arbitrary detention and extrajudicial killings are widespread practices used by the police all across Nigeria.

Police staff systematically enforce arbitrary executions, uses torture as a mean to obtain confessions from suspects and almost always resort to bribery and extortion.

Moreover, public security agents also practise arbitrary detention, justified by the necessity to combat Boko Haram. They use this practice as an opportunity to arbitrarily arrest human rights defenders, leading members of civil society organisations and journalists in blatant breach of national legislation on the freedom of information.

Torturing practices by police staff and other state security agents make use of« torture cells », i.echambers used for interrogational torture. It has been reported in various state police stations. The absence of punishment for such acts translates into a lack of confidence from Nigerians towards the police. It has a rising reputation of being the enemy of the people.


  • Strengthen the promotion and respect for human rights in Nigeria in situations where people are most at risk, protecting their human dignity.

  • Contribute to putting an end to serious human rights violations (torture, ill-treatment, arbitrary detention and extrajudicial executions) perpetrated with impunity by the security services in the states of Kaduna, Enugu and Lagos.


  • Strengthening the capacity of national actors to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish serious human rights violations committed by State security services

  • Holding accountable state security agencies for serious human rights violations and obtaining redress for victims through the strengthening of the Nigerian Bar Association's (NBA) pro bono legal aid program.

  • Carrying out advocacy actions aiming at influencing public policies, social attitudes and political processes regarding serious human rights violations by state security agencies


  • Training of police staff and other state security services on good practices for the respect of Human rights.

  • Strengthening the capacities of the Civil society organisations operating in the area of Human rights and of journalists on the use of non-judicial mechanisms, documentation of cases, advocacy, communication and legal follow-up.

  • Legal assistance provided by experienced criminal lawyers, before national and regional tribunals for cases of severe Human rights violations perpetrated by the State security services.

  • Lobbying in international Human rights organisations to highlight the emblematic cases of severe human rights abuses.

  • Round tables with the State security agents, civil society organisations, Ministers involved and the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) to exchange about best practices, formulate recommendations and suggest solutions to combat severe Human rights violations.

  • Creation of spaces for consultation between the police and the OSC to define strategies and improve the respect of Human rights by National police.

  • Advocacy with the heads of state security agencies and key actors in the justice system at national and state levels.

  • Raising public awareness on serious human rights violations committed by State security agencies, fight against impunity and protect the rights of the victims of these violation


The Nigerian Bar Association (National Bar Association - NBA) and the Carmelite Prisoners' Interest Organization (CAPIO) with the financial support of the European Union and the French Agency of Development (AFD).

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